Just a small tweak I wanted to share. (Experience free call to US and Canada visit How to use Gmail Call features outside US ) Login to your Blogger Account Click on Design, the page elements page will open up. On this page under the blog posts section click on Edit Posts. A New window will pop up. In this window scroll down to Show Share Buttons option and select the check box. This will enable the Share Buttons for your blog posts. Click on the Save button to save the changes. Now click on Edit HTML option and select the check box labled Expand Widget Templets Now in the code section search for text “post-header-line-1” And place following code just after that line Now you can preview the changes just made and save your template. (Keywords: Google Official sharing buttons, share plugin blogger, blogger share, blogger social buttons, right side social buttons, google sharing buttons at right, sharing buttons on blogger post, s
A blog about ideas and options, tricks, tips, and tweaks to help normal people find what they are looking for!