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Showing posts from July, 2010

Adding Blogger’s Official Sharing Buttons on the right side of posts

Just a small tweak I wanted to share. (Experience free call to US and Canada visit How to use Gmail Call features outside US )   Login to your Blogger Account Click on Design, the page elements page will open up. On this page under the blog posts section click on Edit Posts. A New window will pop up. In this window scroll down to Show Share Buttons option and select the check box. This will enable the Share Buttons for your blog posts. Click on the Save button to save the changes. Now click on Edit HTML option and select the check box labled Expand Widget Templets Now in the code section search for text “post-header-line-1” And place following code just after that line Now you can preview the changes just made and save your template. (Keywords: Google Official sharing buttons, share plugin blogger, blogger share, blogger social buttons, right side social buttons, google sharing buttons at right, sharing buttons on blogger post, s

Learn Android App Development with me! #1

I’ve been using Android phone from a long time (I Love it) and I feel that I have explored almost all the options configurations, settings, apps that it supports and does. But I still felt that something is missing, the Android Market still does not have the App that I really want on my mobile. So I thought of developing my own App that will have the functionality I want on my Android. First I started finding good books on Android development and other tutorials on the internet and then something popped up in my mind “Why not share my learning on internet?” Maybe there are some people on the planet who feels the same like I do, who are not professional developers, who just want to gain knowledge about current trends. At that point I decided to share my learning and progress and now I invite you to share yours with me too. I am novice and I just want to develop applications that I want to have on my Android. In this series I will be first exploring how and what of android development

Flash 10.1 Running on HTC Hero with Android 2.1

Wanna see latest flash player 10.1 running on Android 2.1, visit Droid-X-perience on your HTC Hero . Yes it does work and not only for games, but for videos, music as well. If you still have doubts… please add a link of a website (in comments) you want me to show you working on my updated HTC Hero. I am also working on creating a package for 2.1 Android users to upgrade their existing flash player to 10.1 (non root users) Please also add comments if you want to help me out with that.